VLBI Papers using Medicina and/or Noto 32-m data

Collected by Marcello Giroletti. Collection may not be complete - please contact giroletti (at) ira.inaf.it to report missing publications.

Please follow this link for a collection of papers (maintened by Jan Brand) using data from Medicina and Noto as single dish.

Jump to: 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, or download pre-2008 papers. Bold-face entries have INAF authors.

Papers from the current year (2020, which are typically in press) can be found in this ADS library.


  1. 2019, A&A, 629, A25
    Castangia, P., Surcis, G., Tarchi, A., Caccianiga, A., Severgnini, P., & Della Ceca, R.
    Water masers in Compton-thick AGN. II. The high detection rate and EVN observations of IRAS 15480-0344
  2. 2019, A&A, 630, L5
    Gabányi, K. É., Frey, S., Satyapal, S., Constantin, A., & Pfeifle, R. W.
    Very long baseline interferometry observation of the triple AGN candidate J0849+1114
  3. 2019, MNRAS, 485, 3009
    Hartley, P., Jackson, N., Sluse, D., Stacey, H. R., & Vives-Arias, H.
    Strong lensing reveals jets in a sub-microJy radio-quiet quasar
  4. 2019, MNRAS, 490, 3793
    Li, S.-L.
    A nearby luminous AGN sample optically selected from Hubble Space Telescope
  5. 2019, A&A, 627, L2
    Marcote, B., Maan, Y., Paragi, Z., & Keimpema, A.
    Probing the origin of the off-pulse emission from the pulsars B0525+21 and B2045-16
  6. 2019, ApJL, 876, L14
    Marcote, B., Nimmo, K., Salafia, O. S., Paragi, Z., Hessels, J. W. T., Petroff, E., & Karuppusamy, R.
    Resolving the Decades-long Transient FIRST J141918.9+394036: An Orphan Long Gamma-Ray Burst or a Young Magnetar Nebula?
  7. 2019, A&A, 629, A58
    Murthy, S., Morganti, R., Oosterloo, T., Schulz, R., Mukherjee, D., Wagner, A. Y., Bicknell, G., Prandoni, I., & Shulevski, A.
    Feedback from low-luminosity radio galaxies: B2 0258+35
  8. 2019, NatAs, 3, 387
    Panessa, F., Baldi, R. D., Laor, A., Padovani, P., Behar, E., & McHardy, I.
    The origin of radio emission from radio-quiet active galactic nuclei
  9. 2019, ApJ, 873, 61
    Perger, K., Frey, S., & Gabányi, K. É.
    Is There a Blazar Nested in the Core of the Radio Galaxy 3C 411?
  10. 2019, A&ARv, 27, 4
    Petroff, E., Hessels, J. W. T., & Lorimer, D. R.
    Fast radio bursts
  11. 2019, MNRAS, 482, 3023
    Petrov, L., Kovalev, Y. Y., & Plavin, A. V.
    A quantitative analysis of systematic differences in the positions and proper motions of Gaia DR2 with respect to VLBI
  12. 2019, ApJ, 871, 143
    Plavin, A. V., Kovalev, Y. Y., & Petrov, L. Y.
    Dissecting the AGN Disk-Jet System with Joint VLBI-Gaia Analysis
  13. 2019, ApJ, 885, 131
    Reid, M. J., Menten, K. M., Brunthaler, A., et al.
    Trigonometric Parallaxes of High-mass Star-forming Regions: Our View of the Milky Way
  14. 2019, A&A, 630, A108
    Spingola, C., McKean, J. P., Massari, D., & Koopmans, L. V. E.
    Proper motion in lensed radio jets at redshift 3: A possible dual super-massive black hole system in the early Universe
  15. 2019, A&A, 623, A130
    Surcis, G., Vlemmings, W. H. T., van Langevelde, H. J., Hutawarakorn Kramer, B., & Bartkiewicz, A.
    EVN observations of 6.7 GHz methanol maser polarization in massive star-forming regions. IV. Magnetic field strength limits and structure for seven additional sources
  16. 2019, A&A, 623, A173
    Varenius, E., Conway, J. E., Batejat, F., Martí-Vidal, I., Pérez-Torres, M. A., Aalto, S., Alberdi, A., Lonsdale, C. J., & Diamond, P.
    The population of SNe/SNRs in the starburst galaxy Arp 220. A self-consistent analysis of 20 years of VLBI monitoring
  17. 2019, A&A, 627, A79
    Vega-García, L., Perucho, M., & Lobanov, A. P.
    Derivation of the physical parameters of the jet in S5 0836+710 from stability analysis
  18. 2019, MNRAS, 482, 1701
    Yang, J., An, T., Zheng, F., Baan, W. A., Paragi, Z., Mohan, P., Zhang, Z., & Liu, X.
    A radio structure resolved at the deca-parsec scale in the radio-quiet quasar PDS 456 with an extremely powerful X-ray outflow
  19. 2019, RAA, 19, 179
    Zhao, W., Hong, X.-Y., An, T., & Yang, J.
    The jet of FSRQ PKS 1229−02 and its misidentification as a γ-ray AGN


  1. 2018, RAA, 18, 146
    Xu, Y., Hou, L.-G. & Wu, Y.-W.
    The spiral structure of the Milky Way
  2. 2018, arXi, arXiv:1812.09454
    Burns, R. A., Bayandina, O., Orosz, G., et al.
    Multi-epoch VLBI of a double maser super burst
  3. 2018, arXi, arXiv:1812.01623
    Zakhvatkin, M. V., Andrianov, A. S., Avdeev, V. Y., et al.
    RadioAstron orbit determination and evaluation of its results using correlation of Space-VLBI observations
  4. 2018, ApJS, 239, 20
    Malkin, Z.
    A New Version of the OCARS Catalog of Optical Characteristics of Astrometric Radio Sources
  5. 2018, RNAA, 2, 200
    Gabányi, K. É., Frey, S., Gurvits, L. I., Paragi, Z. & Perger, K.
    High-resolution Radio Image of a Candidate Radio Galaxy at z = 5.72
  6. 2018, arXi, arXiv:1811.10117
    Makarov, V. V., Berghea, C. T., Frouard, J., Fey, A. & Schmitt, H. R.
    The precious set of radio-optical reference frame objects in the light of Gaia DR2 data
  7. 2018, arXi, arXiv:1811.06053
    Asadi, S., Zackrisson, E., Varenius, E., Freeland, E., Conway, J. & Wiik, K.
    The case for gravitational millilensing in the multiply--imaged quasar B1152+199
  8. 2018, arXi, arXiv:1811.02544
    Plavin, A. V., Kovalev, Y. Y., Pushkarev, A. B. & Lobanov, A. P.
    Significant core shift variability in parsec-scale jets of active galactic nuclei
  9. 2018, arXi, arXiv:1810.07235
    Garrett, M. A.
    SETI surveys of the nearby and distant universe employing wide-field radio interferometry techniques
  10. 2018, A&A, 617, A38
    Schulz, R., Morganti, R., Nyland, K., Paragi, Z., Mahony, E. K. & Oosterloo, T.
    Mapping the neutral atomic hydrogen gas outflow in the restarted radio galaxy 3C 236
  11. 2018, Sci, 361, 482
    Mattila, S., Pérez-Torres, M., Efstathiou, A., et al.
    A dust-enshrouded tidal disruption event with a resolved radio jet in a galaxy merger
  12. 2018, MNRAS, 478, 4816
    Spingola, C., McKean, J. P., Auger, M. W., Fassnacht, C. D., Koopmans, L. V. E., Lagattuta, D. J. & Vegetti, S.
    SHARP - V. Modelling gravitationally lensed radio arcs imaged with global VLBI observations
  13. 2018, A&A, 616, A66
    Moscadelli, L., Rivilla, V. M., Cesaroni, R., et al.
    The feedback of an HC HII region on its parental molecular core. The case of core A1 in the star-forming region G24.78+0.08
  14. 2018, MNRAS, 477, 1065
    Perger, K., Frey, S., Gabányi, K. É., et al.
    Constraining the radio jet proper motion of the high-redshift quasar J2134-0419 at z = 4.3
  15. 2018, MNRAS, 476, 2876
    Rampadarath, H., Soria, R., Urquhart, R., et al.
    Jets, arcs, and shocks: NGC 5195 at radio wavelengths
  16. 2018, A&A, 612, A109
    Gabányi, K. É., Frey, S. & An, T.
    Is 4C+29.48 a γ-ray source?
  17. 2018, MNRAS, 475, 4994
    Kutkin, A. M., Pashchenko, I. N., Lisakov, M. M., et al.
    The extreme blazar AO 0235+164 as seen by extensive ground and space radio observations
  18. 2018, MNRAS, 475, 4011
    Bright, J. S., Fender, R. P., Motta, S. E., et al.
    Long-term radio and X-ray evolution of the tidal disruption event ASASSN- 14li
  19. 2018, MNRAS, 475, 1399
    Gawroński, M. P., Goździewski, K., Katarzyński, K. & Rycyk, G.
    Another look at AM Herculis - radio-astrometric campaign with the e-EVN at 6 cm
  20. 2018, MNRAS, 474, 3523
    Pilipenko, S. V., Kovalev, Y. Y., Andrianov, A. S., et al.
    The high brightness temperature of B0529+483 revealed by RadioAstron and implications for interstellar scattering
  21. 2018, ApJ, 856, 60
    Sobolev, A. M., Moran, J. M., Gray, M. D., Alakoz, A., Imai, H., Baan, W. A., Tolmachev, A. M., Samodurov, V. A. & Ladeyshchikov, D. A.
    Sun-sized Water Vapor Masers in Cepheus A
  22. 2018, A&A, 610, A36
    Titov, O. & Krásná, H.
    Measurement of the solar system acceleration using the Earth scale factor
  23. 2018, MNRAS, 473, 1554
    Gabányi, K. É., Frey, S., Paragi, Z., Järvelä, E., Morokuma, T., An, T., Tanaka, M. & Tar, I.
    The radio structure of the peculiar narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy candidate J1100+4421


    1. 2017, ApJ, 848, L12
      Abbott, B. P., Abbott, R., Abbott, T. D., et al.
      Multi-messenger Observations of a Binary Neutron Star Merger
    2. 2017, A&A, 603, A25
      Ahnen, M. L., Ansoldi, S., Antonelli, L. A., et al.
      First multi-wavelength campaign on the gamma-ray-loud active galaxy IC 310
    3. 2017, ApJ, 834, 65
      Algaba, J. C., Nakamura, M., Asada, K., & Lee, S. S.
      Resolving the Geometry of the Innermost Relativistic Jets in Active Galactic Nuclei
    4. 2017, ApJ, 851, 7
      Bietenholz, M. F., & Bartel, N.
      SN 1986J VLBI. IV. The Nature of the Central Component
    5. 2017, ApJ, 839, 10
      Bietenholz, M. F., & Bartel, N.
      SN 1986J VLBI. III. The Central Component Becomes Dominant
    6. 2017, A&A, 604, A111
      Bruni, G., Gómez, J. L., Casadio, C., et al.
      Probing the innermost regions of AGN jets and their magnetic fields with RadioAstron. II. Observations of 3C 273 at minimum activity
    7. 2017, MNRAS, 467, 2367
      Burns, R. A., Handa, T., Imai, H., Nagayama, T., Omodaka, T., Hirota, T., Motogi, K., van Langevelde, H. J., & Baan, W. A.
      Trigonometric distance and proper motions of H2O maser bowshocks in AFGL 5142
    8. 2017, MNRAS, 464, 1474
      Caccianiga, A., Dallacasa, D., Antón, S., Ballo, L., Berton, M., Mack, K.-H., & Paulino-Afonso, A.
      SDSSJ143244.91+301435.3 at VLBI: a compact radio galaxy in a narrow-line Seyfert 1
    9. 2017, MNRAS, 467, 950
      Cao, H.-M., Frey, S., Gabányi, K. É., Paragi, Z., Yang, J., Cseh, D., Hong, X.-Y., & An, T.
      VLBI observations of four radio quasars at z > 4: blazars or not?
    10. 2017, Natur, 541, 58
      Chatterjee, S., Law, C. J., Wharton, R. S., et al.
      A direct localization of a fast radio burst and its host
    11. 2017, NatSR, 7, 40992
      Clivati, C., Ambrosini, R., Artz, T., et al.
      A VLBI experiment using a remote atomic clock via a coherent fibre link
    12. 2017, MNRAS, 471, 2703
      Egron, E., Pellizzoni, A., Giroletti, M., et al.
      Single-dish and VLBI observations of Cygnus X-3 during the 2016 giant flare episode
    13. 2017, MNRAS, 470, L112
      Herrero-Illana, R., Alberdi, A., Pérez-Torres, M. Á., Alonso-Herrero, A., González-Millán, D., & Pereira-Santaella, M.
      No AGN evidence in NGC 1614 from deep radio VLBI observations
    14. 2017, A&A, 598, L1
      Kovalev, Y. Y., Petrov, L., & Plavin, A. V.
      VLBI-Gaia offsets favor parsec-scale jet direction in active galactic nuclei
    15. 2017, A&A, 603, A48
      Krehlik, P., Buczek, Ł., Kołodziej, J., et al.
      Fibre-optic delivery of time and frequency to VLBI station
    16. 2017, MNRAS, 466, 1567
      Liu, N., Liu, J.-C., & Zhu, Z.
      Test of source selection for constructing a more stable and uniform celestial reference frame
    17. 2017, ApJ, 835, L30
      Makarov, V. V., Frouard, J., Berghea, C. T., Rest, A., Chambers, K. C., Kaiser, N., Kudritzki, R.-P., & Magnier, E. A.
      Astrometric Evidence for a Population of Dislodged AGNs
    18. 2017, ApJ, 834, L8
      Marcote, B., Paragi, Z., Hessels, J. W. T., et al.
      The Repeating Fast Radio Burst FRB 121102 as Seen on Milliarcsecond Angular Scales
    19. 2017, IJMPD, 26, 1730021
      Mezcua, M.
      Observational evidence for intermediate-mass black holes
    20. 2017, A&A, 598, A23
      Nappo, F., Pescalli, A., Oganesyan, G., et al.
      The 999th Swift gamma-ray burst: Some like it thermal. A multiwavelength study of GRB 151027A
    21. 2017, MNRAS, 464, 4306
      Natarajan, I., Paragi, Z., Zwart, J., Perkins, S., Smirnov, O., & van der Heyden, K.
      Resolving the blazar CGRaBS J0809+5341 in the presence of telescope systematics
    22. 2017, MNRAS, 465, 3943
      Park, S., Yang, J., Oonk, J. B. R., & Paragi, Z.
      Discovery of five low-luminosity active galactic nuclei at the centre of the Perseus cluster
    23. 2017, A&A, 608, A40
      Prandoni, I., Murgia, M., Tarchi, A., et al.
      The Sardinia Radio Telescope . From a technological project to a radio observatory
    24. 2017, MNRAS, 467, 2504
      Romero-Cañizales, C., Alberdi, A., Ricci, C., et al.
      Unveiling the AGN in IC 883: discovery of a parsec-scale radio jet
    25. 2017, MNRAS, 468, 2788
      Rushton, A. P., Miller-Jones, J. C. A., Curran, P. A., et al.
      Resolved, expanding jets in the Galactic black hole candidate XTE J1908+094
    26. 2017, A&A, 603, A94
      Sanna, A., Moscadelli, L., Surcis, G., van Langevelde, H. J., Torstensson, K. J. E., & Sobolev, A. M.
      Planar infall of CH3OH gas around Cepheus A HW2
    27. 2017, ApJS, 233, 3
      Truebenbach, A. E., & Darling, J.
      The VLBA Extragalactic Proper Motion Catalog and a Measurement of the Secular Aberration Drift
    28. 2017, arXiv, arXiv:1702.04772
      Varenius, E., Conway, J. E., Batejat, F., Martí-Vidal, I., Pérez-Torres, M. A., Aalto, S., Alberdi, A., Lonsdale, C. J., & Diamond, P.
      The population of SNe/SNRs in the starburst galaxy Arp 220. A self-consistent analysis of 20 years of VLBI monitoring
    29. 2017, JApA, 38, 40
      Verbunt, F., & Cator, E.
      A New Look at Distances and Velocities of Neutron Stars
    30. 2017, MNRAS, 464, L70
      Yang, X., Yang, J., Paragi, Z., Liu, X., An, T., Bianchi, S., Ho, L. C., Cui, L., Zhao, W., & Wu, X.
      NGC 5252: a pair of radio-emitting active galactic nuclei?


    1. 2016, ApJ, 823, L26
      Akiyama, K., Stawarz, Ł., Tanaka, Y. T., Nagai, H., Giroletti, M., & Honma, M.
      EVN Observations of HESS J1943+213: Evidence for an Extreme TeV BL Lac Object
    2. 2016, PASJ, 68, 77
      An, T., Cui, Y.-Z., Paragi, Z., Frey, S., Gurvits, L. I., & Gabányi, K. É.
      VLBI observations of flared optical quasar CGRaBS J0809+5341
    3. 2016, MNRAS, 462, 2542
      Atemkeng, M. T., Smirnov, O. M., Tasse, C., Foster, G., & Jonas, J.
      Using baseline-dependent window functions for data compression and field-of-interest shaping in radio interferometry
    4. 2016, A&A, 587, A104
      Bartkiewicz, A., Szymczak, M., & van Langevelde, H. J.
      European VLBI Network imaging of 6.7 GHz methanol masers
    5. 2016, A&ARv, 24, 6
      Beltrán, M. T., & de Wit, W. J.
      Accretion disks in luminous young stellar objects
    6. 2016, MNRAS, 462, 2819
      Biggs, A. D., Zwaan, M. A., Hatziminaoglou, E., Péroux, C., & Liske, J.
      Parsec-scale H I absorption structure in a low-redshift galaxy seen against a compact symmetric object
    7. 2016, BaltA, 25, 261
      Bobylev, V. V., & Bajkova, A. T.
      Estimating the vertical disk scale height using young galactic objects
    8. 2016, A&A, 585, A33
      Boccardi, B., Krichbaum, T. P., Bach, U., Mertens, F., Ros, E., Alef, W., & Zensus, J. A.
      The stratified two-sided jet of Cygnus A. Acceleration and collimation
    9. 2016, A&A, 588, A102
      Bondi, M., Pérez-Torres, M. A., Piconcelli, E., & Fu, H.
      Unveiling the radio counterparts of two binary AGN candidates: J1108+0659 and J1131-0204
    10. 2016, arXiv, arXiv:1609.08748
      Cao, S., Biesiada, M., Jackson, J., Zheng, X., & Zhu, Z.-H.
      Measuring the speed of light with ultra-compact radio quasars
    11. 2016, MNRAS, 459, 2455
      Coppejans, R., Cseh, D., van Velzen, S., et al.
      What are the megahertz peaked-spectrum sources?
    12. 2016, MNRAS, 463, 3260
      Coppejans, R., Frey, S., Cseh, D., Müller, C., Paragi, Z., Falcke, H., Gabányi, K. É., Gurvits, L. I., An, T., & Titov, O.
      On the nature of bright compact radio sources at z > 4.5
    13. 2016, A&A, 593, A34
      Duev, D. A., Pogrebenko, S. V., Cimò, G., et al.
      Planetary Radio Interferometry and Doppler Experiment (PRIDE) technique: A test case of the Mars Express Phobos fly-by
    14. 2016, MNRAS, 455, 2058
      Frey, S., Paragi, Z., Gabányi, K. É., & An, T.
      Four hot DOGs in the microwave
    15. 2016, ApJ, 817, 96
      Gómez, J. L., Lobanov, A. P., Bruni, G., et al.
      Probing the Innermost Regions of AGN Jets and Their Magnetic Fields with RadioAstron. I. Imaging BL Lacertae at 21 Microarcsecond Resolution
    16. 2016, MNRAS, br> Gawroński, M. P., Goździewski, K., & Katarzyński, K.
      Physical properties and astrometry of radio-emitting brown dwarf TVLM 513-46546 revisited
    17. 2016, A&A, 593, L16
      Giroletti, M., Marcote, B., Garrett, M. A., Paragi, Z., Yang, J., Hada, K., Muxlow, T. W. B., & Cheung, C. C.
      FRB 150418: clues to its nature from European VLBI Network and e-MERLIN observations
    18. 2016, arXiv, arXiv:1611.02632
      Kovalev, Y. Y., Petrov, L., & Plavin, A. V.
      VLBI-Gaia offsets favor parsec-scale jet direction in Active Galactic Nuclei
    19. 2016, arXiv, arXiv:1612.06640
      Makarov, V. V., Frouard, J., Berghea, C. T., Rest, A., Chambers, K. C., Kaiser, N., Kudritzki, R.-P., & Magnier, E. A.
      Astrometric evidence for a population of dislodged AGN
    20. 2016, FrASS, 3, 28
      Malkin, Z.
      Connecting VLBI and Gaia celestial reference frames
    21. 2016, MNRAS, 461, 1937
      Malkin, Z.
      Using radio stars to link the Gaia and VLBI reference frames
    22. 2016, A&A, 589, A59
      Masini, A., Comastri, A., Baloković, M., et al.
      NuSTAR observations of water megamaser AGN
    23. 2016, arXiv, arXiv:1604.08204
      Nappo, F., Pescalli, A., Oganesyan, G., et al.
      The 999th Swift gamma-ray burst: Some like it thermal
    24. 2016, arXiv, arXiv:1611.02630
      Petrov, L., & Kovalev, Y. Y.
      On significance of VLBI/Gaia position offsets
    25. 2016, A&A, 587, A85
      Radcliffe, J. F., Garrett, M. A., Beswick, R. J., Muxlow, T. W. B., Barthel, P. D., Deller, A. T., & Middelberg, E.
      Multi-source self-calibration: Unveiling the microJy population of compact radio sources
    26. 2016, ApJ, 832, 159
      Reid, M. J., & Dame, T. M.
      On the Rotation Speed of the Milky Way Determined from H i Emission
    27. 2016, ApJ, 823, 77
      Reid, M. J., Dame, T. M., Menten, K. M., & Brunthaler, A.
      A Parallax-based Distance Estimator for Spiral Arm Sources
    28. 2016, ApJ, 832, L10
      Romero-Cañizales, C., Prieto, J. L., Chen, X., Kochanek, C. S., Dong, S., Holoien, T. W.-S., Stanek, K. Z., & Liu, F.
      The TDE ASASSN-14li and Its Host Resolved at Parsec Scales with the EVN
    29. 2016, ApJ, 822, 117
      Straal, S. M., Gabányi, K. É., van Leeuwen, J., Clarke, T. E., Dubner, G., Frey, S., Giacani, E., & Paragi, Z.
      HESS J1943+213: A Non-classical High-frequency-peaked BL Lac Object
    30. 2016, ApJ, 833, 288
      Tseng, C.-Y., Asada, K., Nakamura, M., Pu, H.-Y., Algaba, J.-C., & Lo, W.-P.
      Structural Transition in the NGC 6251 Jet: an Interplay with the Supermassive Black Hole and Its Host Galaxy
    31. 2016, MNRAS, 462, L66
      Yang, J., Paragi, Z., van der Horst, A. J., Gurvits, L. I., Campbell, R. M., Giannios, D., An, T., & Komossa, S.
      No apparent superluminal motion in the first-known jetted tidal disruption event Swift J1644+5734


    1. 2015, MNRAS, 452, 1081
      Argo, M. K., van Bemmel, I. M., Connolly, S. D., & Beswick, R. J.
      A new period of activity in the core of NGC 660
    2. 2015, AstL, 41, 156
      Bobylev, V. V.
      Residual HCRF rotation relative to the inertial coordinate system
    3. 2015, MNRAS, 447, L50
      Bobylev, V. V., & Bajkova, A. T.
      Detection of periodic variations in the vertical velocities of Galactic masers
    4. 2015, MNRAS, 450, 1123
      Cegłowski, M., Kunert-Bajraszewska, M., & Roskowiński, C.
      VLBI survey of compact broad absorption line quasars with balnicity index BI = 0
    5. 2015, MNRAS, 452, 24
      Cseh, D., Miller-Jones, J. C. A., Jonker, P. G., Grisé, F., Paragi, Z., Corbel, S., Falcke, H., Frey, S., Kaaret, P., & Körding, E.
      The evolution of a jet ejection of the ultraluminous X-ray source Holmberg II X-1
    6. 2015, A&A, 574, A125
      de Bruyn, A. G., & Macquart, J.-P.
      The intra-hour variable quasar J1819+3845: 13-year evolution, jet polarization structure, and interstellar scattering screen properties
    7. 2015, A&A, 573, A99
      Duev, D. A., Zakhvatkin, M. V., Stepanyants, V. A., Molera Calvés, G., Pogrebenko, S. V., Gurvits, L. I., Cimò, G., & Bocanegra Bahamón, T. M.
      RadioAstron as a target and as an instrument: Enhancing the Space VLBI mission's scientific output
    8. 2015, MNRAS, 446, 2921
      Frey, S., Paragi, Z., Fogasy, J. O., & Gurvits, L. I.
      The first estimate of radio jet proper motion at z > 5
    9. 2015, MNRAS, 450, L57
      Gabányi, K. É., Cseh, D., Frey, S., Paragi, Z., Gurvits, L. I., An, T., & Zhang, Y. K.
      VLBI observation of the newly discovered z = 5.18 quasar SDSS J0131-0321
    10. 2015, A&A, 579, A109
      Kunert-Bajraszewska, M., Cegłowski, M., Katarzyński, K., & Roskowiński, C.
      A VLBI survey of compact broad absorption line quasars with balnicity index BI > 0
    11. 2015, A&A, 583, A100
      Lobanov, A. P., Gómez, J. L., Bruni, G., et al.
      RadioAstron space VLBI imaging of polarized radio emission in the high-redshift quasar 0642+449 at 1.6 GHz
    12. 2015, A&A, 577, A36
      Mantovani, F., Bondi, M., Mack, K.-H., Alef, W., Ros, E., & Zensus, J. A.
      A sample of weak blazars at milli-arcsecond resolution
    13. 2015, MNRAS, 452, 32
      Rampadarath, H., Morgan, J. S., Soria, R., Tingay, S. J., Reynolds, C., Argo, M. K., & Dumas, G.
      A high-resolution wide-field radio survey of M51


    Refereed Journals

    1. 2014, Sci, 346, 1080
      Aleksić, J., Ansoldi, S., Antonelli, L. A., et al.
      Black hole lightning due to particle acceleration at subhorizon scales
    2. 2014, ApJ, 781, LL2
      Asada, K., Nakamura, M., Doi, A., Nagai, H., & Inoue, M.
      Discovery of Sub- to Superluminal Motions in the M87 Jet: An Implication of Acceleration from Sub-relativistic to Relativistic Speeds
    3. 2014, PASA, 31, e002
      Bietenholz, M. F.
      VLBI Constraints on Type I b/c Supernovae
    4. 2014, MNRAS, 441, 142
      Bobylev, V. V., & Bajkova, A. T.
      The local standard of rest from data on young objects with account for the Galactic spiral density wave
    5. 2014, A&A, 563, AA111
      Cao, H.-M., Frey, S., Gurvits, L. I., Yang, J., Hong, X.-Y., Paragi, Z., Deller, A. T., & Ivezić, Ž.
      VLBI observations of the radio quasar J2228+0110 at z = 5.95 and other field sources in multiple-phase-centre mode
    6. 2014, Natur, 511, 57
      Deane, R. P., Paragi, Z., Jarvis, M. J., et al.
      A close-pair binary in a distant triple supermassive black hole system
    7. 2014, ApJ, 782, LL38
      Du, Y., Yang, J., Campbell, R. M., Janssen, G., Stappers, B., & Chen, D.
      Very Long Baseline Interferometry Measured Proper Motion and Parallax of the γ-Ray Millisecond Pulsar PSR J0218+4232
    8. 2014, MNRAS, 443, 1509
      Gabányi, K. É., Frey, S., Xiao, T., Paragi, Z., An, T., Kun, E., & Gergely, L. Á.
      A single radio-emitting nucleus in the dual AGN candidate NGC 5515
    9. 2014, ApJ, 788, 165
      Hada, K., Giroletti, M., Kino, M., et al.
      A Strong Radio Brightening at the Jet Base of M 87 during the Elevated Very High Energy Gamma-Ray State in 2012
    10. 2014, A&A, 565, AA43
      Kirsten, F., Vlemmings, W., Freire, P., Kramer, M., Rottmann, H., & Campbell, R. M.
      Precision astrometry of pulsars and other compact radio sources in the globular cluster M15
    11. 2014, JApA, 35, 203
      Liu, X.
      Search for Binary Black Hole Candidates from the VLBI Images of AGNs
    12. 2014, A&A, 561, AA40
      Martí-Vidal, I., & Marcaide, J. M.
      Limit to the radio emission from a putative central compact source in SN1993J
    13. 2014, A&A, 564, AA4
      Molera Calvés, G., Pogrebenko, S. V., Cimò, G., et al.
      Observations and analysis of phase scintillation of spacecraft signal on the interplanetary plasma
    14. 2014, A&A, 566, AA150
      Moscadelli, L., & Goddi, C.
      A multiple system of high-mass YSOs surrounded by disks in NGC 7538 IRS1 . Gas dynamics on scales of 10-700 AU from CH3OH maser and NH3 thermal lines
    15. 2014, MNRAS, 444, 3040
      Orienti, M., D'Ammando, F., Giroletti, M., Finke, J., Ajello, M., Dallacasa, D., & Venturi, T.
      Exploring the multiband emission of TXS 0536+145: the most distant γ-ray flaring blazar
    16. 2014, ApJ, 791, 2
      Paragi, Z., Frey, S., Kaaret, P., Cseh, D., Overzier, R., & Kharb, P.
      Probing the Active Massive Black Hole Candidate in the Center of NGC 404 with VLBI
    17. 2014, ARA&A, 52, 339
      Reid, M. J., & Honma, M.
      Microarcsecond Radio Astrometry
    18. 2014, JGeod, 88, 575
      Shabala, S. S., Rogers, J. G., McCallum, J. N., Titov, O. A., Blanchard, J., Lovell, J. E. J., & Watson, C. S.
      The effects of frequency-dependent quasar variability on the celestial reference frame
    19. 2014, arXiv, arXiv:1406.4650
      Tilanus, R. P. J., Krichbaum, T. P., Zensus, J. A., et al.
      Future mmVLBI Research with ALMA: A European vision
    20. 2014, MNRAS, 444, 3151
      van der Horst, A. J., Paragi, Z., de Bruyn, A. G., et al.
      A comprehensive radio view of the extremely bright gamma-ray burst 130427A
    21. 2014, A&A, 566, AA15
      Varenius, E., Conway, J. E., Martí-Vidal, I., Aalto, S., Beswick, R., Costagliola, F., & Klöckner, H.-R.
      The radio core structure of the luminous infrared galaxy NGC 4418. A young clustered starburst revealed?


    Refereed Journals

    1. 2013, MNRAS, 433, 1161
      An, T., Paragi, Z., Frey, S., Xiao, T., Baan, W. A., Komossa, S., Gabányi, K. É., Xu, Y.-H., & Hong, X.-Y.
      The radio structure of 3C 316, a galaxy with double-peaked narrow optical emission lines
    2. 2013, MNRAS, 435, 2335
      Bianchi, S., Piconcelli, E., Pérez-Torres, M. Á., Fiore, F., La Franca, F., Mathur, S., & Matt, G.
      The NGC 3341 minor merger: a panchromatic view of the active galactic nucleus in a dwarf companion
    3. 2013, MNRAS, 432, 931
      Brocksopp, C., Corbel, S., Tzioumis, A., Broderick, J. W., Rodriguez, J., Yang, J., Fender, R. P., & Paragi, Z.
      XTE J1752-223 in outburst: a persistent radio jet, dramatic flaring, multiple ejections and linear polarization
    4. 2013, A&A, 554, A94
      Bruni, G., Dallacasa, D., Mack, K.-H., Montenegro-Montes, F. M., González-Serrano, J. I., Holt, J., & Jiménez-Luján, F.
      The parsec-scale structure of radio-loud broad absorption line quasars
    5. 2013, A&A, 550, A68
      Chi, S., Barthel, P. D., & Garrett, M. A.
      Deep, wide-field, global VLBI observations of the Hubble deep field north (HDF-N) and flanking fields (HFF)
    6. 2013, MNRAS, 433, 147
      Dallacasa, D., Orienti, M., Fanti, C., Fanti, R., & Stanghellini, C.
      A sample of small-sized compact steep-spectrum radio sources: VLBI images and VLA polarization at 5 GHz
    7. 2013, MNRAS, 434, 3322
      Deane, R. P., Rawlings, S., Garrett, M. A., Heywood, I., Jarvis, M. J., Klöckner, H.-R., Marshall, P. J., & McKean, J. P.
      The preferentially magnified active nucleus in IRAS F10214+4724 - III. VLBI observations of the radio core
    8. 2013, PASJ, 65, 57
      Doi, A., Murata, Y., Mochizuki, N., et al.
      Multifrequency VLBI Observations of the Broad Absorption Line Quasar J1020+4320: Recently Restarted Jet Activity?
    9. 2013, A&A, 552, A109
      Frey, S., Paragi, Z., Gabányi, K. É., & An, T.
      A compact radio source in the high-redshift soft gamma-ray blazar IGR J12319-0749
    10. 2013, ApJ, 762, 63
      Gabányi, K. É., Dubner, G., Giacani, E., Paragi, Z., Frey, S., & Pidopryhora, Y.
      Very Long Baseline Interferometry Search for the Radio Counterpart of HESS J1943+213
    11. 2013, A&A, 557, L14
      Gitti, M., Giroletti, M., Giovannini, G., Feretti, L., & Liuzzo, E.
      A candidate supermassive binary black hole system in the brightest cluster galaxy of RBS 797
    12. 2013, arXiv, arXiv:1304.1955
      Liu, X.
      A search for binary black hole candidates from the VLBI images of AGNs
    13. 2013, ApJ, 773, 35
      MacLeod, C. L., Jones, R., Agol, E., & Kochanek, C. S.
      Detection of Substructure in the Gravitationally Lensed Quasar MG0414+0534 Using Mid-infrared and Radio VLBI Observations
    14. 2013, A&A, 558, A29
      Malkin, Z.
      A new approach to the assessment of stochastic errors of radio source position catalogues
    15. 2013, MNRAS, 436, 1546
      Mezcua, M., Farrell, S. A., Gladstone, J. C., & Lobanov, A. P.
      Milliarcsec-scale radio emission of ultraluminous X-ray sources: steady jet emission from an intermediate-mass black hole?
    16. 2013, MNRAS, 436, 2454
      Mezcua, M., Lobanov, A. P., & Martí-Vidal, I.
      The resolved structure of the extragalactic supernova remnant SNR 4449-1
    17. 2013, Sci, 340, 950
      Miller-Jones, J. C. A., Sivakoff, G. R., Knigge, C., Körding, E. G., Templeton, M., & Waagen, E. O.
      An Accurate Geometric Distance to the Compact Binary SS Cygni Vindicates Accretion Disc Theory
    18. 2013, A&A, 549, A122
      Moscadelli, L., Li, J. J., Cesaroni, R., Sanna, A., Xu, Y., & Zhang, Q.
      A double-jet system in the G31.41 + 0.31 hot molecular core
    19. 2013, BaltA, 22, 35
      Nechaeva, M., Antipenko, A., Bezrukovs, V., et al.
      A experiment on radio location of objects in the near-Earth space with VLBI in 2012
    20. 2013, PASA, 30, 20
      Norris, R. P., Afonso, J., Bacon, D., et al.
      Radio Continuum Surveys with Square Kilometre Array Pathfinders
    21. 2013, A&A, 553, A13
      Orosz, G., & Frey, S.
      Optical-radio positional offsets for active galactic nuclei
    22. 2013, MNRAS, 432, 1138
      Panessa, F., & Giroletti, M.
      Sub-parsec radio cores in nearby Seyfert galaxies
    23. 2013, MNRAS, 432, 1319
      Paragi, Z., van der Horst, A. J., Belloni, T., et al.
      VLBI observations of the shortest orbital period black hole binary, MAXI J1659-152
    24. 2013, AJ, 146, 5
      Petrov, L.
      The Catalog of Positions of Optically Bright Extragalactic Radio Sources OBRS-2
    25. 2013, MNRAS, 434, 585
      Schaap, R. G., Shabala, S. S., Ellingsen, S. P., Titov, O. A., & Lovell, J. E. J.
      Scintillation is an indicator of astrometric stability
    26. 2013, MNRAS, 435, L48
      Spencer, R. E., Rushton, A. P., Bałucińska-Church, M., Paragi, Z., Schulz, N. S., Wilms, J., Pooley, G. G., & Church, M. J.
      Radio and X-ray observations of jet ejection in Cygnus X-2
    27. 2013, A&A, 556, A73
      Surcis, G., Vlemmings, W. H. T., van Langevelde, H. J., Hutawarakorn Kramer, B., & Quiroga-Nuñez, L. H.
      EVN observations of 6.7 GHz methanol maser polarization in massive star-forming regions. II. First statistical results
    28. 2013, A&A, 550, A113
      Wu, F., An, T., Baan, W. A., Hong, X.-Y., Stanghellini, C., Frey, S., Xu, H.-G., Liu, X., & Wang, J.-Y.
      Kinematics of the compact symmetric object OQ 208 revisited


    Refereed Journals

    1. 2012, ApJ, 746, 151
      Abramowski, A., Acero, F., Aharonian, F., et al.
      The 2010 Very High Energy γ-Ray Flare and 10 Years of Multi-wavelength Observations of M 87
    2. 2012, MNRAS, 423, 1325
      Alexandroff, R., Overzier, R. A., Paragi, Z., Basu-Zych, A., Heckman, T., Kauffmann, G., Bourke, S., Lobanov, A., Ptak, A., & Schiminovich, D.
      A search for active galactic nuclei in the most extreme UV-selected starbursts using the European VLBI Network
    3. 2012, ApJ, 760, 77
      An, T., & Baan, W. A.
      The Dynamic Evolution of Young Extragalactic Radio Sources
    4. 2012, ApJS, 198, 5
      An, T., Wu, F., Yang, J., et al.
      VLBI Observations of 10 Compact Symmetric Object Candidates: Expansion Velocities of Hot Spots
    5. 2012, A&A, 541, A72
      Bartkiewicz, A., Szymczak, M., & van Langevelde, H. J.
      Milliarcsecond structure of water maser emission in two young high-mass stellar objects associated with methanol masers
    6. 2012, A&A, 542, L24
      Batejat, F., Conway, J. E., Rushton, A., Parra, R., Diamond, P. J., Lonsdale, C. J., & Lonsdale, C. J.
      Rapid variability of the compact radio sources in Arp220. Evidence for a population of microblazars?
    7. 2012, A&A, 539, A134
      Bondi, M., Pérez-Torres, M. A., Herrero-Illana, R., & Alberdi, A.
      The nuclear starburst in Arp 299-A: from the 5.0 GHz VLBI radio light-curves to its core-collapse supernova rate
    8. 2012, MNRAS, 426, 588
      Bontempi, P., Giroletti, M., Panessa, F., Orienti, M., & Doi, A.
      Physical properties of the nuclear region in Seyfert galaxies derived from observations with the European VLBI Network
    9. 2012, ApJ, 756, L20
      Cheung, C. C., Stawarz, Ł., Siemiginowska, A., Gobeille, D., Wardle, J. F. C., Harris, D. E., & Schwartz, D. A.
      Discovery of a Kiloparsec-scale X-Ray/Radio Jet in the z = 4.72 Quasar GB 1428+4217
    10. 2012, ApJ, 749, 17
      Cseh, D., Corbel, S., Kaaret, P., Lang, C., Grisé, F., Paragi, Z., Tzioumis, A., Tudose, V., & Feng, H.
      Black Hole Powered Nebulae and a Case Study of the Ultraluminous X-Ray Source IC 342 X-1
    11. 2012, A&A, 541, A43
      Duev, D. A., Molera Calvés, G., Pogrebenko, S. V., Gurvits, L. I., Cimó, G., & Bocanegra Bahamon, T.
      Spacecraft VLBI and Doppler tracking: algorithms and implementation
    12. 2012, ApJ, 751, 157
      Foster, J. B., Stead, J. J., Benjamin, R. A., Hoare, M. G., & Jackson, J. M.
      Distances to Dark Clouds: Comparing Extinction Distances to Maser Parallax Distances
    13. 2012, MNRAS, 425, 1185
      Frey, S., Paragi, Z., An, T., & Gabányi, K. É.
      Two in one? A possible dual radio-emitting nucleus in the quasar SDSS J1425+3231
    14. 2012, A&A, 538, L10
      Giroletti, M., Hada, K., Giovannini, G., et al.
      The kinematic of HST-1 in the jet of M 87
    15. 2012, A&A, 540, L5
      Herrero-Illana, R., Pérez-Torres, M. Á., & Alberdi, A.
      Evidence of nuclear disks in starburst galaxies from their radial distribution of supernovae
    16. 2012, PASJ, 64, 136
      Honma, M., Nagayama, T., Ando, K., et al.
      Fundamental Parameters of the Milky Way Galaxy Based on VLBI astrometry
    17. 2012, IJEaS, 101, 1065
      La Delfa, S., Negusini, M., Di Martino, S., & Patanè, G.
      Geodetic techniques applied to the study of the Etna volcano area (Italy)
    18. 2012, ApJ, 759, 4
      Mesler, R. A., Pihlström, Y. M., Taylor, G. B., & Granot, J.
      VLBI and Archival VLA and WSRT Observations of the GRB 030329 Radio Afterglow
    19. 2012, A&A, 548, A103
      Moldón, J., Ribó, M., & Paredes, J. M.
      Periodic morphological changes in the radio structure of the gamma-ray binary LS 5039
    20. 2012, MNRAS, 421, 3300
      O'Sullivan, S. P., Brown, S., Robishaw, T., et al.
      Complex Faraday depth structure of active galactic nuclei as revealed by broad-band radio polarimetry
    21. 2012, ApJ, 749, 55
      Perucho, M., Kovalev, Y. Y., Lobanov, A. P., Hardee, P. E., & Agudo, I.
      Anatomy of Helical Extragalactic Jets: The Case of S5 0836+710
    22. 2012, A&A, 545, A65
      Perucho, M., Martí-Vidal, I., Lobanov, A. P., & Hardee, P. E.
      S5 0836+710: An FRII jet disrupted by the growth of a helical instability?
    23. 2012, MNRAS, 419, 1097
      Petrov, L.
      The EVN Galactic Plane Survey - EGaPS
    24. 2012, ApJ, 758, 84
      Piner, B. G., Pushkarev, A. B., Kovalev, Y. Y., Marvin, C. J., Arenson, J. G., Charlot, P., Fey, A. L., Collioud, A., & Voitsik, P. A.
      Relativistic Jets in the Radio Reference Frame Image Database. II. Blazar Jet Accelerations from the First 10 Years of Data (1994-2003)
    25. 2012, A&A, 544, A34
      Pushkarev, A. B., & Kovalev, Y. Y.
      Single-epoch VLBI imaging study of bright active galactic nuclei at 2 GHz and 8 GHz
    26. 2012, A&A, 543, A72
      Romero-Cañizales, C., Pérez-Torres, M. A., Alberdi, A., et al.
      e-MERLIN and VLBI observations of the luminous infrared galaxy IC 883: a nuclear starburst and an AGN candidate revealed
    27. 2012, MNRAS, 422, 510
      Romero-Cañizales, C., Pérez-Torres, M. Á., & Alberdi, A.
      EVN observations of the farthest and brightest ULIRGs in the local Universe: the case of IRAS 23365+3604
    28. 2012, A&A, 539, A79
      Rygl, K. L. J., Brunthaler, A., Sanna, A., Menten, K. M., Reid, M. J., van Langevelde, H. J., Honma, M., Torstensson, K. J. E., & Fujisawa, K.
      Parallaxes and proper motions of interstellar masers toward the Cygnus X star-forming complex. I. Membership of the Cygnus X region
    29. 2012, A&A, 541, A47
      Surcis, G., Vlemmings, W. H. T., van Langevelde, H. J., & Hutawarakorn Kramer, B.
      EVN observations of 6.7 GHz methanol maser polarization in massive star-forming regions
    30. 2012, ApJ, 750, 10
      Suyu, S. H., Hensel, S. W., McKean, J. P., et al.
      Disentangling Baryons and Dark Matter in the Spiral Gravitational Lens B1933+503
    31. 2012, MNRAS, 424, 2733
      Wu, Z., Jiang, D. R., & Gu, M.
      The radio structure of ultra-high-energy synchrotron-peak BL Lacs
    32. 2012, MNRAS, 419, L74
      Yang, J., Wu, F., Paragi, Z., & An, T.
      The radio core and jet in the broad absorption-line quasar PG 1700+518
    33. 2012, MNRAS, 426, L66
      Yang, J., Xu, Y., Li, Z., Paragi, Z., Campbell, R. M., Gurvits, L. I., Shen, Z., Hong, X., Xia, B., & Shu, F.
      Very long baseline interferometry detection of the Galactic black hole binary candidate MAXI J1836-194
    34. 2012, A&A, 543, A57
      Zuther, J., Fischer, S., & Eckart, A.
      Compact radio emission from z ~ 0.2 X-ray bright AGN
    35. 2012, Journal of Geodynamics, 61, 68
      Schuh, H., Behrend, D.
      VLBI: A fascinating technique for geodesy and astrometry


    Refereed Journals

    1. 2011, A&A, 531, L5
      Frey, S., Paragi, Z., Gurvits, L. I., Gabányi, K. É., & Cseh, D.
      Into the central 10 pc of the most distant known radio quasar. VLBI imaging observations of J1429+5447 at z = 6.21
    2. 2011, A&A, 528, L11
      Giroletti, M., Paragi, Z., Bignall, H., et al.
      Global e-VLBI observations of the gamma-ray narrow line Seyfert 1 PMN J0948+0022
    3. 2011, AJ, 142, 17
      Hagiwara, Y., Baan, W. A., & Klöckner, H.-R.
      Very Long Baseline Interferometry Observations of NGC 6240: Resolving the Double Nuclei and Radio Supernovae
    4. 2011, A&A, 529, A16
      Karouzos, M., Britzen, S., Witzel, A., Zensus, J. A., & Eckart, A.
      γ-rays in flat-spectrum AGN: revisiting the fast jet hypothesis with the CJF sample
    5. 2011, A&A, 529, A70
      Lambert, S. B., & Le Poncin-Lafitte, C.
      Improved determination of γ by VLBI
    6. 2011, A&A, 533, A10
      Lobanov, A. P., Horns, D., & Muxlow, T. W. B.
      VLBI imaging of a flare in the Crab nebula: more than just a spot
    7. 2011, A&A, 533, A111
      Martí-Vidal, I., Marcaide, J. M., Alberdi, A., Pérez-Torres, M. A., Ros, E., & Guirado, J. C.
      Detection of jet precession in the active nucleus of M 81
    8. 2011, AJ, 141, 178
      Moór, A., Frey, S., Lambert, S. B., Titov, O. A., & Bakos, J.
      On the Connection of the Apparent Proper Motion and the VLBI Structure of Compact Radio Sources
    9. 2011, A&A, 533, L7
      Moldón, J., Ribó, M., & Paredes, J. M.
      Revealing the extended radio emission from the gamma-ray binary HESS J0632+057
    10. 2011, A&A, 526, A140
      Morgan, J. S., Mantovani, F., Deller, A. T., Brisken, W., Alef, W., Middelberg, E., Nanni, M., & Tingay, S. J.
      VLBI imaging throughout the primary beam using accurate UV shifting
    11. 2011, AJ, 142, 105
      Petrov, L.
      The Catalog of Positions of Optically Bright Extragalactic Radio Sources OBRS-1
    12. 2011, MNRAS, 415, 2688
      Romero-Cañizales, C., Mattila, S., Alberdi, A., Pérez-Torres, M. A., Kankare, E., & Ryder, S. D.
      The core-collapse supernova rate in Arp 299 revisited
    13. 2011, A&A, 531, L3
      Szymczak, M., Wolak, P., Bartkiewicz, A., & van Langevelde, H. J.
      Periodic variability of 6.7 GHz methanol masers in G22.357+0.066
    14. 2011, A&A, 529, A91
      Titov, O., Lambert, S. B., & Gontier, A.-M.
      VLBI measurement of the secular aberration drift
    15. 2011, MNRAS, 418, L25
      Yang, J., Paragi, Z., Corbel, S., Gurvits, L. I., Campbell, R. M., & Brocksopp, C.
      Transient relativistic ejections and stationary core in XTE J1752-223

    Non-refereed publications (Conference proceedings, ATels, IAU Circulars, etc.)

    1. 2011, arXiv, arXiv:1101.2782 (2011arXiv1101.2782C)
      Chuprikov, A., Guirin, I., Chibisov, A., Kostenko, V., Kovalev, Y., Graham, D., Lobanov, A., & Giovannini, G.
      3C84, BL Lac. Earth based VLBI test for the RADIOASTRON project
    2. 2011, arXiv, arXiv:1101.3322 (2011arXiv1101.3322R)
      Rushton, A., Miller-Jones, J., Paragi, Z., Maccarone, T., Pooley, G., Tudose, V., Fender, R., Spencer, R., Dhawan, V., & Garrett, M.
      VLBI constraints on the "jet-line" of Cygnus X-1


    Refereed Journals

    1. 2010, MNRAS, 402, 87
      An, T., Hong, X. Y., Hardcastle, M. J., Worrall, D. M., Venturi, T., Pearson, T. J., Shen, Z.-Q., Zhao, W., & Feng, W. X.
      Kinematics of the parsec-scale radio jet in 3C 48
    2. 2010, MNRAS, 1214
      Biggs, A. D., Younger, J. D., & Ivison, R. J.
      Deep, ultra-high-resolution radio imaging of submillimetre galaxies using Very Long Baseline Interferometry
    3. 2010, ApJ, 714, L271
      Bondi, M., & Pérez-Torres, M.-A.
      VLBI Detection of an Active Galactic Nucleus Pair in the Binary Black Hole Candidate SDSS J1536+0441
    4. 2010, arXiv, arXiv:1008.5335
      Cseh, D., Frey, S., Paragi, Z., Gurvits, L. I., & Gabanyi, K. E.
      Radio interferometric observations of two core-dominated triple radio sources at z>3
    5. 2010, A&A, 518, A23
      Cui, L., Liu, X., Liu, J., Song, H.-G., & Ding, Z.
      The follow-up European VLBI Network observations of twelve GPS radio sources at 5 GHz
    6. 2010, MNRAS, 1141
      Fenech, D., Beswick, R., Muxlow, T. W. B., Pedlar, A., & Argo, M. K.
      Wide-field Global VLBI and MERLIN combined monitoring of supernova remnants in M82
    7. 2010, arXiv, arXiv:1004.3911
      Fish, V. L., & Sjouwerman, L. O.
      Global VLBI Observations of the 6.0 GHz Hydroxyl Masers in Onsala 1
    8. 2010, A&A, 513, A18
      Frey, S., Paragi, Z., Campbell, R. M., & Moór, A.
      The radio-loud active nucleus in the ``dark lens'' galaxy J1218+2953
    9. 2010, arXiv, arXiv:1010.4882
      Karouzos, M., Britzen, S., Witzel, A., Zensus, A., & Eckart, A.
      Gamma-rays in flat-spectrum AGN: Revisiting the fast jet hypothesis with the CJF sample
    10. 2010, arXiv, arXiv:1007.1331
      Kunert-Bajraszewska, M., Janiuk, A., Gawronski, M. P., & Siemiginowska, A.
      Origin of the complex radio structure in BAL QSO 1045+352
    11. 2010, arXiv, arXiv:1007.1224
      Marti-Vidal, I., Marcaide, J. M., Alberdi, A., Guirado, J. C., Perez-Torres, M. A., & Ros, E.
      Radio emission of SN1993J. The complete picture: II. Simultaneous fit of expansion and radio light curves
    12. 2010, arXiv, arXiv:1007.2552
      Marti-Vidal, I., Marcaide, J. M., Alberdi, A., Guirado, J. C., Perez-Torres, M. A., & Ros, E.
      Radio emission of SN1993J: the complete picture. I. Re-analysis of all the available VLBI data
    13. 2010, ApJ, 716, L109
      Miller-Jones, J. C. A., Sivakoff, G. R., Altamirano, D., et al.
      Evolution of the Radio-X-ray Coupling Throughout an Entire Outburst of Aquila X-1
    14. 2010, Natur, 463, 516
      Paragi, Z., Taylor, G. B., Kouveliotou, C., et al.
      A mildly relativistic radio jet from the otherwise normal type Ic supernova 2007gr
    15. 2010, A&A, 519, L5
      Pérez-Torres, M. A., Alberdi, A., Romero-Cañizales, C., & Bondi, M.
      Serendipitous discovery of the long-sought active galactic nucleus in Arp 299-A
    16. 2010, A&A, 511, A2
      Rygl, K. L. J., Brunthaler, A., Reid, M. J., Menten, K. M., van Langevelde, H. J., & Xu, Y.
      Trigonometric parallaxes of 6.7 GHz methanol masers
    17. 2010, A&A, 517, A71
      Sanna, A., Moscadelli, L., Cesaroni, R., Tarchi, A., Furuya, R. S., & Goddi, C.
      VLBI study of maser kinematics in high-mass star-forming regions. I. G16.59-0.05
    18. 2010, A&A, 517, A78
      Sanna, A., Moscadelli, L., Cesaroni, R., Tarchi, A., Furuya, R. S., & Goddi, C.
      VLBI study of maser kinematics in high-mass star-forming regions. II. G23.01-0.41
    19. 2010, arXiv, arXiv:1009.3698
      Titov, O., Lambert, S. B., & Gontier, A. -.
      VLBI measurement of the secular aberration drift
    20. 2010, MNRAS, 401, 890
      Tudose, V., Miller-Jones, J. C. A., Fender, R. P., et al.
      Probing the behaviour of the X-ray binary Cygnus X-3 with very long baseline radio interferometry
    21. 2010, arXiv, arXiv:1009.1367
      Yang, J., Brocksopp, C., Corbel, S., Paragi, Z., Tzioumis, T., & Fender, R. P.
      A decelerating jet observed by the EVN and VLBA in the X-ray transient XTE J1752-223
    22. Sarti P, Abbondanza C, Petrov L, Negusini M
      Height bias and scale effect induced by antenna gravity deformations in geodetic VLBI data analysis
      J. Geodesy DOI 10.1007/s00190-010-0410-6
    23. Abbondanza C, Sarti P
      Effects of illumination functions on the computation of gravity-dependent signal path variation models in primary focus and Cassegrainian VLBI telescopes
      J. Geodesy 84(8) 515-525 DOI 10.1007/s00190-010-0389-z

    Non-refereed publications (Conference proceedings, ATels, IAU Circulars, etc.)

    1. 2010, arXiv, arXiv:1006.3243 (2010arXiv1006.3243G)
      Giovannini, G., Casadio, C., Giroletti, M., Beilicke, M., Cesarini, A., & Krawczynski, H.
      The Jet in M87 from e-EVN Observations
    2. 2010, IAUS, 267, 114 (2010IAUS..267..114K)
      Kunert-Bajraszewska, M., & Gawroński, M. P.
      Radio Structures of Compact Quasars with Broad Absorption Lines
    3. 2010, ATel, 2536, 1
      Giroletti, Koerding, E., Corbel, S., Sokolovsky, K., Fuhrmann, L., Schinzel, F., & C. C. Cheung, C. C.
      VLBI detection of V407 Cyg
    4. 2010, ATel, 2437, 1
      Giroletti, M., Giovannini, G., Beilicke, M., Cesarini, A., & Krawczynski, H.
      EVN observations of the radio galaxy M87 following a TeV flare
    5. 2010, hsa5.conf, 421 (2010hsa5.conf..421M)
      Martí-Vidal, I., Marcaide, J. M., & Alberdi, A.
      Simultaneous Modelling of the Complete SN1993J Expansion and Radio Light Curves


    Refereed Journals

    1. 2009, ApJ, 707, 727
      Abdo, A. A., Ackermann, M., Ajello, M., et al.
      Multiwavelength Monitoring of the Enigmatic Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 PMN J0948+0022 in 2009 March-July
    2. 2009, AN, 330, 203
      Cassaro, P., Dallacasa, D., & Stanghellini, C.
      A complete sample of low polarization CSO/MSO
    3. 2009, ApJ, 705, 436
      Csizmadia, S., Borkovits, T., Paragi, Z., et al.
      Interferometric Observations of the Hierarchical Triple System Algol
    4. 2009, AN, 330, 214
      de Vries, N., Snellen, I. A. G., Schilizzi, R. T., & Mack, K.-H.
      Further evidence for synchrotron self-absorption from the CORALZ sample of young radio-loud AGN
    5. 2009, A&A, 498, 641
      de Vries, N., Snellen, I. A. G., Schilizzi, R. T., Mack, K.-H., & Kaiser, C. R.
      VLBI observations of the CORALZ sample: young radio sources at low redshift
    6. 2009, AN, 330, 193
      Giroletti, M., & Polatidis, A.
      Samples and statistics of CSS and GPS sources
    7. 2009, ApJ, 706, L260
      Giroletti, M., & Panessa, F.
      The Faintest Seyfert Radio Cores Revealed by VLBI
    8. 2009, MNRAS, 398, 176
      Klöckner, H.-R., Martínez-Sansigre, A., Rawlings, S., & Garrett, M. A.
      High-redshift obscured quasars: radio emission at sub-kiloparsec scales
    9. 2009, A&A, 499, 331
      Lambert, S. B., & Le Poncin-Lafitte, C.
      Determining the relativistic parameter γ using very long baseline interferometry
    10. 2009, Ap&SS, 319, 139
      Liu, X., & Liu, J.
      VLBI observation of giant radio galaxy J1313+696 at 2.3/8.4 GHz
    11. 2009, AN, 330, 145
      Liu, X., Song, H.-G., & Cui, L.
      Structure, spectra and variability of some GPS radio sources
    12. 2009, A&A, 505, 927
      Marcaide, J. M., Martí-Vidal, I., Alberdi, A., et al.
      A decade of SN 1993J: discovery of radio wavelength effects in the expansion rate
    13. 2009, A&A, 506, L33
      Marecki, A., & Szablewski, M.
      Evidence of a double-double morphology in B 0818+214
    14. 2009, A&A, 505, 559
      Morganti, R., Peck, A. B., Oosterloo, T. A., van Moorsel, G., Capetti, A., Fanti, R., Parma, P., & de Ruiter, H. R.
      Is cold gas fuelling the radio galaxy NGC 315?
    15. 2009, A&A, 507, L17
      Pérez-Torres, M. A., Romero-Cañizales, C., Alberdi, A., & Polatidis, A.
      An extremely prolific supernova factory in the buried nucleus of the starburst galaxy IC 694
    16. 2009, JGeod..83.1115S, Journal of Geodesy, 83, Issue 11, pp 1115-1126
      Sarti, P., Abbondanza, C., Vittuari, L.
      Gravity-dependent signal path variation in a large VLBI telescope modelled with a combination of surveying methods.
    17. 2009, JGeod..83.1031A, Journal of Geodesy, Vol 83, Issue 11, pp.1031-1040
      Abbondanza, C., Altamimi, Z., Sarti, P., Negusini, M. Vittuari, L.
      Local effects of redundant terrestrial and GPS-based tie vectors in ITRF-like combinations.
    18. 2009, 135 4 131-135, Journal of Surveying Engeneering - Asce,
      Sarti, P., Vittuari, L., Abbondanza, C.
      Laser Scanner and Terrestrial Surveying Applied to Gravitational Deformation Monitoring of Large VLBI Telescopes' Primary Reflector.

    Non-refereed publications (Conference proceedings, ATels, IAU Circulars, etc.)

    1. 2009, arXiv, arXiv:0909.5047
      Borkovits, T., Csizmadia, S., Paragi, Z., Sturmann, L., Sturmann, J., Farrington, C., McAlister, H. A., ten Brummelaar, T., & Turner, N. H.
      Interferometric Observations of Algol
    2. 2009, ATel, 2078, 1
      Brunthaler, A., Menten, K. M., Reid, M. J., Henkel, C., Bower, G. C., & Falcke, H.
      Observations of the new transient radio source in the central region of M82
    3. 2009, evga.conf, 79
      Campbell, R. M., & Szomoru, A.
      e-VLBI and Other Developments at the EVN MkIV Data Processor at JIVE
    4. 2009, arXiv, arXiv:0906.0209
      Colomer, F.
      Maser Studies in Evolved Stars
    5. 2009, arXiv, arXiv:0903.3846
      Kunert-Bajraszewska, M., & Gawronski, M. P.
      Inner radio structure of compact BAL quasar 1045+352
    6. 2009, evlb.conf, 17
      Miller-Jones, J. C. A., Sakari, C. M., Dhawan, V., Tudose, V., Fender, R. P., Paragi, Z., & Garrett, M.
      The proper motion and changing jet morphology of Cygnus X-3
    7. 2009, evlb.conf, 8
      Paragi, Z., Frey, S., Campbell, B., & Moor, A.
      A suspected Dark Lens revealed with the e-EVN
    8. 2009, evlb.conf, 5
      Perez-Torres, M.
      Core collapse supernovae and starbursts (invited)
    9. 2009, ATel, 2052, 1
      Rushton, A., Bach, U., Spencer, R., Kadler, M., Church, M., Balucinska-Church, M., Wilms, J., Hanke, M., Zola, S., & Schulz, N.
      Cygnus X-2 in a radio quiet state
    10. 2009, ATel, 2317, 1
      Tudose, V., Paragi, Z., Miller-Jones, J., Garrett, M., Fender, R., Rushton, A., & Spencer, R.
      EVN detection of Aql X-1 in outburst
    11. 2009, ATel, 2000, 1
      Tudose, V., Paragi, Z., Soleri, P., Russell, D. M., Maitra, D., Lewis, F., Fender, R. P., Garrett, M. A., Spencer, R. E., & Rushton, A.
      e-EVN observations of Aql X-1 in outburst
    12. 2009, Springer-Verlag, vol. 134, ISBN/ISSN: 0939-9585, doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-00860-3_17
      Abbondanza, C., Vittuari, L., Negusini, M., Sarti, P.
      Eccentricity Vectors at Medicina's Observatory via GPS Surveys: Reproducibility, Reliability and Quality Assessment of the Results. Geodetic Reference Frames. Munich, Germany, 9-14 October 2006, BERLIN
    13. 2009, Proc. of the 19th European VLBI for Geodesy and Astrometry Working Meeting. Bordeaux, France, 24-25 March 2009, eds. G. Bourda, P. Charlot, and A. Collioud, pag 92-96
      Negusini, M., Sarti, P., Abbondanza. C.
      Geodetic research at IRA-INAF: recent results between a golden past and a gloomy future
    14. 2009, Proc. of the 19th European VLBI for Geodesy and Astrometry Working Meeting. Bordeaux, France, 24-25 March 2009, eds. G. Bourda, P. Charlot, and A. Collioud, pag 35-38
      Sarti, P., Abbondanza. C., Negusini, M., Vittuari, L.
      Multi-technique approach for deriving a VLBI signal extra-path variation model induced by gravity: the example of Medicina



    1. 2008, ApJ, 684, 1351
      Albert, J., Aliu, E., Anderhub, H., et al.
      Multiwavelength (Radio, X-Ray, and γ-Ray) Observations of the γ-Ray Binary LS I +61 303
    2. 2008, A&A, 484, L39
      Frey, S., Gurvits, L. I., Paragi, Z., & É. Gabányi, K.
      High-resolution double morphology of the most distant known radio quasar at z = 6.12
    3. 2008, A&A, 477, 781
      Frey, S., Gurvits, L. I., Paragi, Z., Mosoni, L., Garrett, M. A., & Garrington, S. T.
      Deep extragalactic VLBI-optical survey (DEVOS). II. Efficient VLBI detection of SDSS quasars
    4. 2008, MNRAS, 391, 1273
      Harvey-Smith, L., & Soria-Ruiz, R.
      European VLBI Network observations of 6.7-GHz methanol masers in a candidate circumstellar disc
    5. 2008, ChJAA, 8, 179
      Hong, X.-Y., Sun, C.-H., Zhao, J.-H., Jiang, D.-R., Shen, Z.-Q., An, T., Wang, W.-H., & Yang, J.
      Bending of Jets in the QSO NRAO 530
    6. 2008, MNRAS, 391, 246
      Liu, Y., Jiang, D. R., Wang, T. G., & Xie, F. G.
      The compact structure of radio-loud broad absorption line quasars

    Non-refereed publications (Conference proceedings, ATels, IAU Circulars, etc.)

    1. 2008, evn..conf, (2008evn..confE..68A)
      Asada, K., Doi, A., Nagai, H., Nakamura, M., & Inoue, M.
      EVN observation of M 87
    2. 2008, evn..conf, (2008evn..confE.108B)
      Bach, U., Krichbaum, T. P., Middelberg, E., Alef, W., & Zensus, A. J.
      Resolving the jet in Cygnus A
    3. 2008, evn..conf, (2008evn..confE..37B)
      Bartkiewicz, A., Szymczak, M., & van Langevelde, H. J.
      Methanol masers survey using EVN
    4. 2008, evn..conf, (2008evn..confE..28G)
      Giroletti, M., & Panessa, F.
      EVN observations of Seyfert galaxies
    5. 2008, evn..conf, (2008evn..confE..76H)
      Hagiwara, Y.
      EVN observations of the binary AGN in the merging galaxy NGC 6240
    6. 2008, ASPC, 401, 239 (2008ASPC..401..239O)
      O'Brien, T. J., Beswick, R. J., Bode, M. F., Eyres, S. P. S., Muxlow, T. W. B., Garrington, S. T., Porcas, R. W., Evans, A., & Davis, R. J.
      MERLIN and VLBI Radio Imaging of RS Ophiuchi Following the 2006 Outburst
    7. 2008, evn..conf, (2008evn..confE..27P)
      Pérez-Torres, M. A., Alberdi, A., Romero-Cañizales, C., Colina, L., Bondi, M., Giroletti, M., Torrelles, J. M., & Polatidis, A.
      Unveiling the dominant gas heating mechanism in local LIRGs and ULIRGs
    8. 2008, agn8.conf, (2008agn8.confE..40P)
      Panessa, F., & Giroletti, M.
      The X-ray and radio connection in local Seyfert galaxies
    9. 2008, MmSAI, 79, 1263 (2008MmSAI..79.1263P)
      Panessa, F., & Giroletti, M.
      The X-ray and radio connection in nearby Seyfert galaxies .
    10. 2008, cosp, 37, 2340 (2008cosp...37.2340P)
      Panessa, F., Cappi, M., Pellegrini, S., Barcons, X., Bassani, L., Carrera, F., Ho, L., & Giroletti, M.
      The X-ray and radio connection in local Seyfert galaxies
    11. 2008, AIPC, 1053, 383 (2008AIPC.1053..383P)
      Paragi, Z.
      Real-Time VLBI Observations of Compact Objects
    12. 2008, arXiv, arXiv:0804.4272 (2008arXiv0804.4272P)
      Perez-Torres, M. A., & Alberdi, A.
      High-resolution radio observations of nuclear and circumnuclear starbursts in Luminous Infrared Galaxies
    13. 2008, evn..conf, (2008evn..confE..86P)
      Pushkarev, A., & Kovalev, Y.
      Probing parsec scale jets in AGN with geodetic VLBI
    14. 2008, evn..conf, (2008evn..confE..89R)
      Romero-Canizales, C., Perez-Torres, M., & Alberdi, A.
      EVN observations of the Ultra Luminous Infrared Galaxies IRAS 23365+3604 and IRAS07251-0248
    15. 2008, evn..conf, (2008evn..confE..39T)
      Torstensson, K., van Langevelde, H. J., Vlemmings, W., & van der Tak, F.
      EVN observations of the methanol masers in Cep A
    16. 2008, ATel, 1597, 1 (2008ATel.1597....1T)
      Trejo, A., Giacani, E., Paragi, Z., van Langevelde, H. J., Dubner, G., & Bykov, A. M.
      VLBI observations of the radio counterpart of IGR J20187+4041/2MASX J20183871+4041003 in the error box of the gamma-ray source AGL2021+4029/3EG J2020+4017
    17. 2008, ATel, 1476, 1 (2008ATel.1476....1T)
      Tudose, V., Paragi, Z., Fender, R., Spencer, R., Garrett, M., & Rushton, A.
      e-VLBI observations of Cyg X-3
    18. 2008, ATel, 1836, 1 (2008ATel.1836....1T)
      Tudose, V., Paragi, Z., Trushkin, S., et al.
      e-VLBI observations of SS 433 in outburst
    19. 2008, JPhCS, 131, 012042 (2008JPhCS.131a2042Z)
      Zuther, J., Fischer, S., & Eckart, A.
      The nuclear radio structure of X-ray bright AGN
    20. 2008 evn..confE...5O INVITED
      Orienti, M.
      Small and young radio sources
      Proceedings of the 9th European VLBI Network Symposium on The role of
      VLBI in the Golden Age for Radio Astronomy and EVN Users
      Meeting. September 23-26, 2008. Bologna, Italy. Online at
      http://pos.sissa.it/cgi-bin/reader/conf.cgi?confid=72, p.5
    21. 2008, ASPC, 386, 176 Include Noto e/o Medicina
      Giroletti, M.
      Jet Properties and Evolution in Small and Intermediate Scale Objects
      Extragalactic Jets: Theory and Observation from Radio to Gamma Ray
      ASP Conference Series, Vol. 386, proceedings of the conference held
      21-24 May, 2007 in Girdwood, Alaska, USA. Edited by Travis A. Rector
      and David S. De Young. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the
      Pacific, 2008., p.176
    22. 2008 evn,,confE..54S
      Proc. of the 9th European VLBI Network Symposium on
      The role of VLBI in the Golden Age for Radio Astronomy and EVN
      Users Meeting. Bologna (Italy), September 23-26, 2008, p. 54
      Sarti, P., Abbondanza. C., Negusini, M., Vittuari, L.
      VLBI telescopes' gravitational deformations investigated with
      terrestrial surveying methods
    23. 2008, Geophys Res Abs, Vol. 10, ISSN 1029-7006
      EGU General Assembly 2008
      Sarti, P., Abbondanza, C., Montaguti, S., Vittuari, L.
      An investigation on the stability of VLBI telescope's
      invariant point
    24. 2008, Proc. of the joint meeting of the 13th Symposium on
      Deformation measurement and analysis and 4th Symposium on
      Geodesy for geotechnical and structural Engineering, Lisbon,
      12-15 May 2008, Lisbon, p. 1
      Sarti, P., Abbondanza. C., Vittuari, L.
      Terrestrial surveying applied to large VLBI telescopes and
      eccentricita' vectors monitoring

    Note: Internal Reports are not included.