Miriad is a radio interferometry data reduction package.  Originally
developed by the bima  (Berkeley-Illinois-Maryland) consortium,
Miriad is now actively being extended by the atnf to cope with
observing modes of particular interest to the atca.

Miriad can be used for the reduction of continuum and spectral line
experiments from the original loading of the data through to the image analysis
and display stages.

Of particular interest to atca users are the calibration and analysis of
polarimetric data from the atca (this cannot be done in aips and has to be 
done with miriad), multi-frequency synthesis imaging and some spectral line 
observing applications (e.g.Zeeman experiments). 

Here in Bologna, Miriad is available on the DEC-Alpha Stations at

To be able to run Miriad, you must set the proper environment with command:


That can be included in your .login file.

WARNING: Caltech package and Miriad use the same name for some commands. Do
         not include "go_miriad" AND  "go_caltech" both in your .login 

Now to start MIRIAD you can use the command:  


Contact people:
		   Isabella Prandoni   prandoni@astbo1.bo.cnr.it
                   Tom Oosterloo       toosterl@atnf.csiro.au