========================================================================= STARTING EXSAS ========================================================================= Add to your .login ( C-Shell ) the line: source /soft/astro/midas/exsas/98APR_EXT/EXSAS.csh or at your .profile ( Burn Shell ) the line: . /soft/astro/midas/exsas/98APR_EXT/EXSAS.sh In order to start EXSAS, start MIDAS first: % inmidas When you get the MIDAS prompt set the EXSAS context: Midas 001> SET/CONTEXT EXSAS A preferable alternative to that is to initiate automatically EXSAS every time you start MIDAS. If you want this to be true place the line SET/CONTEXT EXSAS at the top of login.prg in your MIDWORK directory. Don't put the SET/CONTEXT line at the end of the login.prg files, because this would destroy all the commands defined beforehand (this happens because EXSAS need to expand the MIDAS command buffer). The Postscript Manuals is available at room 307 ========================================================================= USING EXSAS ========================================================================= Read the helps! Read the manuals! Read the news! You can find anything you need in the EXSAS home page, at http://wave.xray.mpe.mpg.de/exsas/ PANIC --> Phone +49-89-3299-3313 (Carlo Izzo) or mail izzo@xray.mpe.mpg.de in case of problems with the installation. In case of problems while using EXSAS, report them either to doe@xray.mpe.mpg.de (spatial analysis) web@xray.mpe.mpg.de (spectral and timing analysis) izzo@xray.mpe.mpg.de (data preparation, utilities) or to the public EXSAS users mailing list at exsas-forum@xray.mpe.mpg.de (to subscribe send a mail containing just the word "subscribe" to the address exsas-forum-request@xray.mpe.mpg.de, or simply use the EXSAS command "SUBSCRIBE/EXSAS"). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------