East Asia To Italy: Nearly Global VLBI

CNR Research Area, Bologna, 29 May 2023

organized by INAF Istituto di Radioastronomia


After the four workshops in 2012, 2014, 2017, and 2019, and the mini-workshop held in 2022 in Busan, we would like to have another opportunity to discuss “East Asia To Italy: Nearly Global VLBI” activities in Bologna (Italy) on Monday, 2023 May 29th.  This day will immediately follow the end of the big VLBI conference “Bologna VLBI: Life begins at 40! New frontiers and scientific challenges for VLBI with enhanced frequency/time/space dynamic ranges”, that will take place in Bologna from May 22nd to 26th, allowing many participants to get together in a single journey.

The meeting will be organised in two main sessions, one with a review of recent scientific results, where priority will be given to talks from junior researchers and students, and one with a discussion of the outlook provided by the recent technological advancements, such as the dual polarization VERA upgrade, VLBI with FAST, a new KVN station, and the installation of compact triple band receivers on the INAF radio telescopes.   

Interested people are encouraged to complete their registration and abstract submission using the form no later than March 15th.  The meeting has no registration cost.  A dinner will be held on Monday night at the participant’s expenses.   As Bologna is a popular destination, we encourage all participants to arrange their travel and book accommodations at their earliest convenience.

The Scientific Organizing Committee is composed by:

Tao An - ShAO

Keiichi Asada - ASIAA

Gabriele Giovannini - DIFA/UniBO & IRA/INAF

Marcello Giroletti - IRA/INAF

Kazuhiro Hada - NAOJ

Monica Orienti - IRA/INAF

Bong Won Sohn - KASI

Gabriele Surcis - INAF/OACagliari